Why Attend
IUMS 2022 will bring together medical and non-medical microbiologists from different disciplines around the theme “Microbiological adaptation in times of ecological disturbance and disruption”.
Attend keynote lectures, bridging sessions, and workshops organized by the three IUMS divisions: Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, Virology, and Mycology and Eukaryotic Microbiology.

Congress Topics – IUMS Divisions
The Union is composed of three Divisions, each concerned with a major microbiological science. The Divisions are administratively responsible for Committees, Commissions and Federations (hereafter referred to as COMCOFs) each concerned with a particular aspect of microbiology
IUMS consists of three Divisions. Each of them have an Executive Board and they organize their own congresses. BAM and Mycology organize their congresses jointly, while Virology has its own congress.
Mycology and Eukaryotic Microbiology (MEM) Division
The aims of the Division of Mycology and Eukaryotic Microbiology are to further the discipline of eukaryotic microbiology, incl. mycology and all branches of research related to it: establish and maintain contact among eukaryote microbiologists by sponsoring international congresses, symposia, conferences and colloquia; distribute information; encourage research and training. The Division has links and a strong collaboration with the International Mycological association (IMA).
Bacteriology & Applied Microbiology (BAM) Division
The aims of the Division of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology are to further bacteriology and related sciences throughout the world in research, education and services
Virology Division
lts aims are to further the discipline of virology and all branches of science related to it; encourage contact among virologists; foster interchange of information through sponsorship of international congresses and symposia.